
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence




OpenDR: Open Source Diabetic Retinopathy Screening

OpenDR As part of my Master’s thesis work, I created an organization dedicated to making AI to improve eye health. We built an open source API for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading, using the latest in deep learning and scalable web technologies to deliver an open platform that can automatically grade fundus images for DR severity.


Visual Debugger for Memory Networks

Visual Debugger for Memory Networks Deep learning architectures have diversified greatly in the last few years and architectures have only become more complex. I developed a javascript library, DeepVizJS, that is useful for debugging complex architectures.

Imaging Systems and Sensors



eyeSelfie: Self Directed Eye Alignment Using Reciprocal Eye Box Imaging

eyeSelfie: Self Directed Eye Alignment Using Reciprocal Eye Box Imaging Engineered light field patterns enabling self alignment to an imaging system that captures an image of the back of the eye. Images of the retina can be used to track health status over time or make screening more accessible at scale.


SCOOBI: Speckle COntrast Optical Blood-flow Imaging

SCOOBI: Speckle COntrast Optical Blood-flow Imaging Low cost hardware enable video rate visualization of skin surface blood perfusion and arterial blood-flow. A laser pointer, smart phone, and processing code is all that’s required in order to see perfusion caused by blood movement beneath the skin.




SLERP: Solution Liquidation Entropic Rotating Powder

SLERP: Solution Liquidation Entropic Rotating Powder SLERP is an experimental project for the freshman Engineering Design course at Northeastern University conceptualized in collaboration with Matt Wood and Prof Charles DiMarzio. ‘Learn basic engineering principles by building a hands-on arduino powered project.’

Fun Stuff




DroidCopter An Android application combines sensor information and control input from an HTML5 web interface to fly around a toy helicopter. DroidCopter is a semi-autonomous drone controllable over a wireless data connection, and provides a platform to enable video streaming on a cheap and lightweight airborne vehicle.

Domobi: Domestic Mobility for Cacti

Domobi: Domestic Mobility for Cacti Domobi is a robot I built based on the Willow Garage Turtlebot. The goal was to provide a mobile platform for a houseplant, specifically, my cactus. Domobi has a RGBD sensor and uses the turlebot ROS navigation stack to build a map using SLAM and planning motor actions to navigate my apartment.



Phonograph Nonlinear music composition and playback. Compositions are graphical models, enumerating possible transition states so every play is a different experience. Compose in blocks and connect the pieces together generating potentially infinite permutations of your composition!


Bad Particle

Bad Particle ‘It’s been one hundred years since the last communication from super-earth Gliese 581 e. The space probe sent by the International Consortium of Extra-Solar Development has long been suspected lost, until it mysteriously arrives in the backyard of some farmers in New Canada. Sentient.’